Tuesday, August 5, 2008


In order to leave comments...I know a few have gotten confused....

- create a google account
- leave a messsage

If you are creating obscure account names, please sign your name so I know who you are....


Anonymous said...

Jess, I'm so happy for you! I've been watching the lead up coverage on the news and I get goosebumps every time I think about how I know someone, someone in my family, that is there and participating in the games (I love to tell people that one of my cousins is competing in the Olympics!). Congrats on arriving in Beijing and good luck in the upcoming days, we're all rooting for you!!

Kate said...

Jess, I LOVED the description of the Village!! Please keep it coming, we're SO proud of you! Can't wait till we can watch your team in action!! GO USA!!

Mamita said...

thanks, jess! This helps...some of us are very blog challenged! Loved your recent posts...i can totally visualize the village! Good luck with the social networkin, it will be worth it!

sista tere said...

JEEESSSS!!hope you're doing well we are packing and getting everything ready here..can't wait:) i hope you liked the pic i gave you...just a reminder of your crazy fam!

Shasta said...

LOVE the blog! I especially liked reading the description of the cafeteria/food! I'm curious if you and/or your teammates are on a special pre-Olympic diet or do you just mow? I have been trying to explain the Olympic games to Jack; he doesn't quite get it but I think once he sees the opening ceremonies on Friday, he'll understand more. We are cheering you on from Northern California! Go #8! Go USA!
Love, Cousin Shasta (as if you know a lot of Shastas who aren't your cousins).