Friday, August 8, 2008

Family Blog

Since my blog has been SUCH a success, my family wanted to jump on the bandwagon and create one also....they'll have the outside perspective and I'll have the inside scoops, but theirs will most likely be more informative in the upcoming days as I'm going to spend more time focusing on water polo and they will be roaming around the whole Olympic scene.

The Steffens blog is now posted in my favorite bloggers column.


Cristin said...

Jess! Just a little Mirlo love - we are watching the Opening Ceremony here in California (only 15 hours behind you...) and we were all straining to find you on TV -- and we did! Michael and Amanda and I shouted, "There's Jess!!!" and got all excited. Sweet Ralph Lauren outfits, we really dig the hats. :)

Good luck!!


Jane Allen said...

Jess... how fun to see you on TV!! So glad you waved so emphatically so we could see you = only rewinded the tape 39 times!!!!!!! GO USA We love you! Jane Jeff Linds and all!!